“Our job is very interesting for us. We start our day by discussing what we can do better. This motivates us and encourages us to move forward.”
The company started its business during winter of 2011. A young but ambitious, dashing, and fast growing company. Since the establishment of the company the car fleet has grown to 30 modern tractors and is constantly expanding every year. We provide cargo transportation services between Scandinavia and countries of the European Union.
We have a good reputation, thus we are able to attract and keep talented and honest employees. All this helps to create productive relations and provide customers with quality services.
Our business is based on the following ethical and operational principles:
- Respect and trust in each other
- Fulfilment of obligations
- Economic, social, and ecological responsibility
- Orientation towards progress
- Flexibility and quick solutions with the consideration of unforeseen situations
- Satisfied employees and customers